This was pieced in just a few days. I had started cutting for this quilt in January when I was having trouble being decisive about the Blue Stars quilt. On the borders, I ran out of that particular cream, so I thought it would be fun to diagonally piece the corners. Well, I don't usually do diagonally pieced blocks, so when I was trimming them down, I only trimmed one side after sewing them in. So ALL of the corner border blocks are completely irregular!
I wanted to do all creams because I had seen someone do a subtle watercolor style quilt with only cream prints, and it was so beautiful. So while I forwent the watercolor style, I still like the look of varied creams. And the fairy frost green is something I've wanted to use forever.
Quilting this was a fun project. I used an older stencil I have that I always fall back on. But this time I realized when I use the stencil closely in rows, it creates a totally different look.
The big lesson I learned here is not to use the colored chalk on light fabrics. The white always washes out. And this is chalk specifically for cotton fabric. It's supposed to wash out! But it didn't.
Luckily, it faded enough that it just looks like I used a pale green thread. Which I didn't -- it was white thread when I started this.
I'm slowly becoming more adept at binding in this way. I truly hate cutting separate binding material, spending WAY more time than I like at the iron, then sewing carefully and pulling crazy maneuvers to close it off before having to flip it and hand-sew the other side. I've been cutting the backing down to 1 extra inch on all sides and just turning it over the edges and sewing *one time*. It takes no time at all compared to the traditional way.
This is the last one for a while. But see, I was looking forward to my break in quilts. Then the day after I mailed this one off, I started a new project! It's a smaller project, a table runner with my favorite turquoise scraps. But still... I'm a quilter that can't sit still.